New Lexer:
	Function: JSON

		js - source
		s - path to element
		v - (optional) value to overwrite

		Value of element (prior to change).

		- Version 2.0 <>
		- Simplified BSD License <>
json(ByRef js, s, v = "") {
	j = %js%
	Loop, Parse, s, .
		p = 2
		RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "([+\-]?)([^[]+)((?:\[\d+\])*)", q)
		Loop {
				If (!p := RegExMatch(j, "(?<!\\)(""|')([^\1]+?)(?<!\\)(?-1)\s*:\s*((\{(?:[^{}]++|(?-1))*\})|(\[(?:[^[\]]++|(?-1))*\])|"
				. "(?<!\\)(""|')[^\7]*?(?<!\\)(?-1)|[+\-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?|true|false|null?)\s*(?:,|$|\})", x, p))
			Else If (x2 == q2 or q2 == "*") {
					j = %x3%
				z += p + StrLen(x2) - 2
				If (q3 != "" and InStr(j, "[") == 1) {
					StringTrimRight, q3, q3, 1
						Loop, Parse, q3, ], [
						z += 1 + RegExMatch(SubStr(j, 2, -1), "^(?:\s*((\[(?:[^[\]]++|(?-1))*\])|(\{(?:[^{\}]++|(?-1))*\})|[^,]*?)\s*(?:,|$)){" . SubStr(A_LoopField, 1) + 1 . "}", x)
						j = %x1%
			Else p += StrLen(x)
	If v !=
		vs = "
		If (RegExMatch(v, "^\s*(?:""|')*\s*([+\-]?\d+(?:\.\d*)?|true|false|null?)\s*(?:""|')*\s*$", vx)
			and (vx1 + 0 or vx1 == 0 or vx1 == "true" or vx1 == "false" or vx1 == "null" or vx1 == "nul"))
			vs := "", v := vx1
		StringReplace, v, v, ", \", All
			js := SubStr(js, 1, z := RegExMatch(js, ":\s*", zx, z) + StrLen(zx) - 1) . vs . v . vs . SubStr(js, z + StrLen(x3) + 1)
	Return, j == "false" ? 0 : j == "true" ? 1 : j == "null" or j == "nul"
		? "" : SubStr(j, 1, 1) == """" ? SubStr(j, 2, -1) : j