;Function WatchDirectory() ; ;Parameters ; WatchFolder - Specify a valid path to watch for changes in. ; - can be directory or drive (e.g. c:\ or c:\Temp) ; - can be network path e.g. \\\Shared) ; - can include last backslash. e.g. C:\Temp\ (will be reported same form) ; ; WatchSubDirs - Specify whether to search in subfolders ; ;StopWatching - THIS SHOULD BE DONE BEFORE EXITING SCRIPT AT LEAST (OnExit) ; Call WatchDirectory() without parameters to stop watching all directories ; ;ReportChanges ; Call WatchDirectory("ReportingFunctionName") to process registered changes. ; Syntax of ReportingFunctionName(Action,Folder,File) ; ; Example /* #Persistent OnExit,Exit WatchDirectory("C:\Windows",1) SetTimer,WatchFolder,100 Return WatchFolder: WatchDirectory("RegisterChanges") Return RegisterChanges(action,folder,file){ static #1:="New File", #2:="Deleted", #3:="Modified", #4:="Renamed From", #5:="Renamed To" ToolTip % #%Action% "`n" folder . (SubStr(folder,0)="\" ? "" : "\") . file } Exit: WatchDirectory() ExitApp */ WatchDirectory(WatchFolder="", WatchSubDirs=true) { static local hDir, hEvent, r, Action, FileNameLen, pFileName, Restart, CurrentFolder, PointerFNI, _SizeOf_FNI_=65536 nReadLen := 0 If !(WatchFolder){ Gosub, StopWatchingDirectories } else if IsFunc(WatchFolder) { r := DllCall("MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx", UInt, DirIdx, UInt, &DirEvents, UInt, -1, UInt, 0x4FF, UInt, 0x6) ;Timeout=-1 if !(r >= 0 && r < DirIdx) Return r += 1 CurrentFolder := Dir%r%Path PointerFNI := &Dir%r%FNI DllCall( "GetOverlappedResult", UInt, hDir, UInt, &Dir%r%Overlapped, UIntP, nReadLen, Int, true ) Loop { pNext := NumGet( PointerFNI + 0 ) Action := NumGet( PointerFNI + 4 ) FileNameLen := NumGet( PointerFNI + 8 ) pFileName := ( PointerFNI + 12 ) If (Action < 0x6){ VarSetCapacity( FileNameANSI, FileNameLen ) DllCall( "WideCharToMultiByte",UInt,0,UInt,0,UInt,pFileName,UInt,FileNameLen,Str,FileNameANSI,UInt,FileNameLen,UInt,0,UInt,0) %WatchFolder%(Action,CurrentFolder,SubStr( FileNameANSI, 1, FileNameLen/2 )) } If (!pNext or pNext = 4129024) Break Else PointerFNI := (PointerFNI + pNext) } DllCall( "ResetEvent", UInt,NumGet( Dir%r%Overlapped, 16 ) ) Gosub, ReadDirectoryChanges return r } else { Loop % (DirIdx) { If InStr(WatchFolder, Dir%A_Index%Path){ If (Dir%A_Index%Subdirs) Return } else if InStr(Dir%A_Index%Path, WatchFolder) { If (WatchSubDirs){ DllCall( "CloseHandle", UInt,Dir%A_Index% ) DllCall( "CloseHandle", UInt,NumGet(Dir%A_Index%Overlapped, 16) ) Restart := DirIdx, DirIdx := A_Index } } } If !Restart DirIdx += 1 r:=DirIdx hDir := DllCall( "CreateFile" , Str , WatchFolder , UInt , ( FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY := 0x1 ) , UInt , ( FILE_SHARE_READ := 0x1 ) | ( FILE_SHARE_WRITE := 0x2 ) | ( FILE_SHARE_DELETE := 0x4 ) , UInt , 0 , UInt , ( OPEN_EXISTING := 0x3 ) , UInt , ( FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS := 0x2000000 ) | ( FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED := 0x40000000 ) , UInt , 0 ) Dir%r% := hDir Dir%r%Path := WatchFolder Dir%r%Subdirs := WatchSubDirs VarSetCapacity( Dir%r%FNI, _SizeOf_FNI_ ) VarSetCapacity( Dir%r%Overlapped, 20, 0 ) DllCall( "CloseHandle", UInt,hEvent ) hEvent := DllCall( "CreateEvent", UInt,0, Int,true, Int,false, UInt,0 ) NumPut( hEvent, Dir%r%Overlapped, 16 ) if ( VarSetCapacity(DirEvents) < DirIdx*4 and VarSetCapacity(DirEvents, DirIdx*4 + 60)) Loop %DirIdx% { If (SubStr(Dir%A_Index%Path,1,1)!="-"){ action++ NumPut( NumGet( Dir%action%Overlapped, 16 ), DirEvents, action*4-4 ) } } NumPut( hEvent, DirEvents, DirIdx*4-4) Gosub, ReadDirectoryChanges If Restart DirIdx = %Restart% } Return StopWatchingDirectories: Loop % (DirIdx) { DllCall( "CloseHandle", UInt,Dir%A_Index% ) DllCall( "CloseHandle", UInt,NumGet(Dir%A_Index%Overlapped, 16) ) Dir%A_Index%= Dir%A_Index%Path= Dir%A_Index%Subdirs= Dir%A_Index%FNI= DllCall( "CloseHandle", UInt, NumGet(Dir%A_Index%Overlapped,16) ) VarSetCapacity(Dir%A_Index%Overlapped,0) } DirIdx= VarSetCapacity(DirEvents,0) Return ReadDirectoryChanges: DllCall( "ReadDirectoryChangesW" , UInt , Dir%r% , UInt , &Dir%r%FNI , UInt , _SizeOf_FNI_ , UInt , Dir%r%SubDirs , UInt , ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME := 0x1 ) | ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME := 0x2 ) | ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES := 0x4 ) | ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE := 0x8 ) | ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE := 0x10 ) | ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION := 0x40 ) | ( FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY := 0x100 ) , UInt , 0 , UInt , &Dir%r%Overlapped , UInt , 0 ) Return }