New Lexer:
; Function:     WaitPixelColor
; Description:  Waits until pixel is a certain color (w/ optional timeout)
; Online Ref.:
; Last Update:  19/July/2009 04:30
; Created by:   MasterFocus
; p_DesiredColor, p_PosX, p_PosY [, p_TimeOut, p_GetMode, p_ReturnColor]
; + Required parameters:
; - p_DesiredColor      The color you are waiting for
; - p_PosX, p_PosY      Pixel coordinates
; + Optional parameters:
; - p_TimeOut           Timeout in milliseconds (default is 0, no timeout)
; - p_GetMode           PixelGetColor mode(s) (default is blank)
; - p_ReturnColor       Boolean, see returned values below (deafult is 0)
; + Returned values when ReturnColor is 0 (false):
; - 0      The desired color was found
; - 1      There was a problem during PixelGetColor
; - 2      The function timed out
; + Returned values when ReturnColor is 1 (true):
; - Blank        There was a problem during PixelGetColor
; - Non-blank    Will be the latest found color, even if not the desired one

    l_Start := A_TickCount
        PixelGetColor, l_RetrievedColor, %p_PosX%, %p_PosY%, %p_GetMode%
         If ErrorLevel
            If !p_ReturnColor
                Return 1
        If ( l_RetrievedColor = p_DesiredColor )
            If !p_ReturnColor
                Return 0
        If ( p_TimeOut ) && ( A_TickCount - l_Start >= p_TimeOut )
            If !p_ReturnColor
                Return 2
    Return l_RetrievedColor