New Lexer:
UnHTM( HTM ) {   ; Remove HTML formatting / Convert to ordinary text   by SKAN 19-Nov-2009
 Static HT,C=";" ; Forum Topic:  Mod: 16-Sep-2010
 IfEqual,HT,,   SetEnv,HT, % "&aacuteá&acircâ&acute´&aeligæ&agraveà&amp&aringå&atildeã&au"
 . "mlä&bdquo„&brvbar¦&bull•&ccedilç&cedil¸&cent¢&circˆ&copy©&curren¤&dagger†&dagger‡&deg"
 . "°&divide÷&eacuteé&ecircê&egraveè&ethð&eumlë&euro€&fnofƒ&frac12½&frac14¼&frac34¾&gt>&h"
 . "ellip…&iacuteí&icircî&iexcl¡&igraveì&iquest¿&iumlï&laquo«&ldquo“&lsaquo‹&lsquo‘&lt<&m"
 . "acr¯&mdash—&microµ&middot·&nbsp &ndash–&not¬&ntildeñ&oacuteó&ocircô&oeligœ&ograveò&or"
 . "dfª&ordmº&oslashø&otildeõ&oumlö&para¶&permil‰&plusmn±&pound£&quot""&raquo»&rdquo”&reg"
 . "®&rsaquo›&rsquo’&sbquo‚&scaronš&sect§&shy &sup1¹&sup2²&sup3³&szligß&thornþ&tilde˜&tim"
 . "es×&trade™&uacuteú&ucircû&ugraveù&uml¨&uumlü&yacuteý&yen¥&yumlÿ"
 $ := RegExReplace( HTM,"<[^>]+>" )               ; Remove all tags between  "<" and ">"
 Loop, Parse, $, &`;                              ; Create a list of special characters
    L := "&" A_LoopField C, R .= (!(A_Index&1)) ? ( (!InStr(R,L,1)) ? L:"" ) : ""
 StringTrimRight, R, R, 1
  Loop, Parse, R , %C%                               ; Parse Special Characters
   If F := InStr( HT, L := A_LoopField )             ; Lookup HT Data
    StringReplace, $,$, %L%%C%, % SubStr( HT,F+StrLen(L), 1 ), All
   Else If ( SubStr( L,2,1)="#" )
    StringReplace, $, $, %L%%C%, % Chr(((SubStr(L,3,1)="x") ? "0" : "" ) SubStr(L,3)), All

Return RegExReplace( $, "(^\s*|\s*$)")            ; Remove leading/trailing white spaces

; Array of Special Character Entities was created with following code
Loop % 256-33 {
Transform, F, HTML, % Chr( A := A_Index+33 )
If Strlen(F) > 1 && !Instr( F, "#" )
  list .= "&" SubStr(F,2, StrLen(F)-2) Chr(A )
StringLower, List, List
Sort, List, D& U
Clipboard := List
MsgBox, 0, % StrLen( List ), % Clipboard