New Lexer:
; SB_SetProgress
; (w) by DerRaphael / Released under the Terms of EUPL 1.0
; see for details

   ; Definition of Constants   
   Static SB_GETRECT      := 0x40a      ; (WM_USER:=0x400) + 10
        , SB_GETPARTS     := 0x406
        , SB_PROGRESS                   ; Container for all used hwndBar:Seg:hProgress
        , PBM_SETPOS      := 0x402      ; (WM_USER:=0x400) + 2
        , PBM_SETRANGE32  := 0x406
        , PBM_SETBARCOLOR := 0x409
        , PBM_SETBKCOLOR  := 0x2001
        , dwStyle         := 0x50000001 ; forced dwStyle WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|PBS_SMOOTH

   ; Find the hWnd of the currentGui's StatusbarControl

   if (!StrLen(hwndBar)) {
      rErrorLevel := "FAIL: No StatusBar Control"     ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
   } else If (Seg<=0) {
      rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Wrong Segment Parameter"  ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
   } else if (Seg>0) {
      ; Segment count
      SendMessage, SB_GETPARTS, 0, 0,, ahk_id %hwndBar%
       SB_Parts :=  ErrorLevel - 1
      If ((SB_Parts!=0) && (SB_Parts<Seg)) {
         rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Wrong Segment Count"  ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
      } else {
         ; Get Segment Dimensions in any case, so that the progress control
         ; can be readjusted in position if neccessary
         if (SB_Parts) {
            VarSetCapacity(RECT,16,0)     ; RECT = 4*4 Bytes / 4 Byte <=> Int
            ; Segment Size :: 0-base Index => 1. Element -> #0
            SendMessage,SB_GETRECT,Seg-1,&RECT,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
             If ErrorLevel
                   n%A_index% := NumGet(RECT,(a_index-1)*4,"Int")
                rErrorLevel := "FAIL: Segmentdimensions" ; Drop ErrorLevel on Error
         } else { ; We dont have any parts, so use the entire statusbar for our progress
            n1 := n2 := 0
            ControlGetPos,,,n3,n4,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
          } ; if SB_Parts

         If (InStr(SB_Progress,":" Seg ":")) {

            hWndProg := (RegExMatch(SB_Progress, hwndBar "\:" seg "\:(?P<hWnd>([^,]+|.+))",p)) ? phWnd :

         } else {

            If (RegExMatch(Ops,"i)-smooth"))
               dwStyle ^= 0x1

            hWndProg := DllCall("CreateWindowEx","uint",0,"str","msctls_progress32"
               ,"uint",0,"uint", dwStyle
               ,"int",0,"int",0,"int",0,"int",0 ; segment-progress :: X/Y/W/H
               ,"uint",DllCall("GetAncestor","uInt",hwndBar,"uInt",1) ; gui hwnd

            SB_Progress .= (StrLen(SB_Progress) ? "," : "") hwndBar ":" Seg ":" hWndProg

         } ; If InStr Prog <-> Seg

         ; HTML Colors

         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bBackground(?P<C>[a-z0-9]+)\b",bg)) {
              if ((strlen(bgC)=6)&&(RegExMatch(bgC,"i)([0-9a-f]{6})")))
                  bgC := "0x" bgC
              else if !(RegExMatch(bgC,"i)^0x([0-9a-f]{1,6})"))
                   bgC := %bgC%
              if (bgC+0!="")
                  SendMessage, PBM_SETBKCOLOR, 0
                       , ((bgC&255)<<16)+(((bgC>>8)&255)<<8)+(bgC>>16) ; BGR
                      ,, ahk_id %hwndProg%
         } ; If RegEx BGC
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bc(?P<C>[a-z0-9]+)\b",fg)) {
              if ((strlen(fgC)=6)&&(RegExMatch(fgC,"i)([0-9a-f]{6})")))
                  fgC := "0x" fgC
              else if !(RegExMatch(fgC,"i)^0x([0-9a-f]{1,6})"))
                   fgC := %fgC%
              if (fgC+0!="")
                  SendMessage, PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0
                       , ((fgC&255)<<16)+(((fgC>>8)&255)<<8)+(fgC>>16) ; BGR
                      ,, ahk_id %hwndProg%
         } ; If RegEx FGC

         If ((RegExMatch(ops,"i)(?P<In>[^ ])?range((?P<Lo>\-?\d+)\-(?P<Hi>\-?\d+))?",r))
              && (rIn!="-") && (rHi>rLo)) {    ; Set new LowRange and HighRange
              SendMessage,0x406,rLo,rHi,,ahk_id %hWndProg%
          } else if ((rIn="-") || (rLo>rHi)) {  ; restore defaults on remove or invalid values
              SendMessage,0x406,0,100,,ahk_id %hWndProg%
          } ; If RegEx Range
         If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bEnable\b"))
            Control, Enable,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
          If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bDisable\b"))
            Control, Disable,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
          If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bHide\b"))
            Control, Hide,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%
          If (RegExMatch(ops,"i)\bShow\b"))
            Control, Show,,, ahk_id %hWndProg%

          ControlGetPos,xb,yb,,,,ahk_id %hwndBar%
         ControlMove,,xb+n1,yb+n2,n3-n1,n4-n2,ahk_id %hwndProg%
          SendMessage,PBM_SETPOS,value,0,,ahk_id %hWndProg%

      } ; if Seg greater than count
   } ; if Seg greater zero

   If (regExMatch(rErrorLevel,"^FAIL")) {
      ErrorLevel := rErrorLevel
      Return -1
   } else
      Return hWndProg
