New Lexer:
;	Title:	Remote Buffer
;			*Read and write process memory*

	Function: Open
			  Open remote buffer

			H		- Reference to variable to receive remote buffer handle
			hwnd    - HWND of the window that belongs to the process
			size    - Size of the buffer

			Error message on failure
RemoteBuf_Open(ByRef H, hwnd, size) {

	WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_id %hwnd%
		hProc   := DllCall( "OpenProcess", "uint", 0x38, "int", 0, "uint", pid) ;0x38 = PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_WRITE
	IfEqual, hProc,0, return A_ThisFunc ">   Unable to open process (" A_LastError ")"
	bufAdr  := DllCall( "VirtualAllocEx", "uint", hProc, "uint", 0, "uint", size, "uint", MEM_COMMIT, "uint", PAGE_READWRITE)
	IfEqual, bufAdr,0, return A_ThisFunc ">   Unable to allocate memory (" A_LastError ")"

	; Buffer handle structure:
	 ;	@0: hProc
	 ;	@4: size
	 ;	@8: bufAdr
	VarSetCapacity(H, 12, 0 )
	NumPut( hProc,	H, 0) 
	NumPut( size,	H, 4)
	NumPut( bufAdr, H, 8)

	Function: Close
			  Close the remote buffer

			  H - Remote buffer handle
RemoteBuf_Close(ByRef H) {
	static MEM_RELEASE = 0x8000
	handle := NumGet(H, 0)
	IfEqual, handle, 0, return A_ThisFunc ">   Invalid remote buffer handle"
	adr    := NumGet(H, 8)

	r := DllCall( "VirtualFreeEx", "uint", handle, "uint", adr, "uint", 0, "uint", MEM_RELEASE)
	ifEqual, r, 0, return A_ThisFunc ">   Unable to free memory (" A_LastError ")"
	DllCall( "CloseHandle", "uint", handle )
	VarSetCapacity(H, 0 )

	Function:   Read 
				Read from the remote buffer into local buffer

         H			- Remote buffer handle
         pLocal		- Reference to the local buffer
         pSize		- Size of the local buffer
         pOffset	- Optional reading offset, by default 0

         TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. ErrorMessage on bad remote buffer handle
RemoteBuf_Read(ByRef H, ByRef pLocal, pSize, pOffset = 0){
	handle := NumGet( H, 0),   size:= NumGet( H, 4),   adr := NumGet( H, 8)
	IfEqual, handle, 0, return A_ThisFunc ">   Invalid remote buffer handle"	
	IfGreaterOrEqual, offset, %size%, return A_ThisFunc ">   Offset is bigger then size"

	VarSetCapacity( pLocal, pSize )
	return DllCall( "ReadProcessMemory", "uint", handle, "uint", adr + pOffset, "uint", &pLocal, "uint", size, "uint", 0 ), VarSetCapacity(pLocal, -1)

	Function:   Write 
				Write local buffer into remote buffer

         H			- Remote buffer handle
         pLocal		- Reference to the local buffer
         pSize		- Size of the local buffer
         pOffset	- Optional writting offset, by default 0

         TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. ErrorMessage on bad remote buffer handle

RemoteBuf_Write(Byref H, byref pLocal, pSize, pOffset=0) {
	handle:= NumGet( H, 0),   size := NumGet( H, 4),   adr := NumGet( H, 8)
	IfEqual, handle, 0, return A_ThisFunc ">   Invalid remote buffer handle"	
	IfGreaterOrEqual, offset, %size%, return A_ThisFunc ">   Offset is bigger then size"

	return DllCall( "WriteProcessMemory", "uint", handle,"uint", adr + pOffset,"uint", &pLocal,"uint", pSize, "uint", 0 )

	Function:   Get
				Get address or size of the remote buffer

         H		- Remote buffer handle
         pQ     - Query parameter: set to "adr" to get address (default), to "size" to get the size or to "handle" to get Windows API handle of the remote buffer.

         Address or size of the remote buffer
RemoteBuf_Get(ByRef H, pQ="adr") {
	return pQ = "adr" ? NumGet(H, 8) : pQ = "size" ? NumGet(H, 4) : NumGet(H)

Group: Example
(start code)
	;get the handle of the Explorer window
	   WinGet, hw, ID, ahk_class ExploreWClass

	;open two buffers
	   RemoteBuf_Open( hBuf1, hw, 128 ) 		
	   RemoteBuf_Open( hBuf2, hw, 16  ) 

	;write something
	   str := "1234" 
	   RemoteBuf_Write( hBuf1, str, strlen(str) ) 

	   str := "_5678" 
	   RemoteBuf_Write( hBuf1, str, strlen(str), 4) 

	   str := "_testing" 
	   RemoteBuf_Write( hBuf2, str, strlen(str)) 

	   RemoteBuf_Read( hBuf1, str, 10 ) 
	   out = %str% 
	   RemoteBuf_Read( hBuf2, str, 10 ) 
	   out = %out%%str% 

	   MsgBox %out% 

	   RemoteBuf_Close( hBuf1 ) 
	   RemoteBuf_Close( hBuf2 ) 
(end code)

	Group: About
	o Ver 2.0 by majkinetor. See
	o Code updates by infogulch
	o Licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial <>.  