New Lexer:
Title: MCI Library v1.0

Group: Overview

    This library gives the AutoHotkey developer access to the the Media Control
    Interface (MCI) which provides standard commands for playing/controlling
    multimedia devices.

Group: Notes

Devices Referenced Within The Documentation:

    (start code)
    Driver      Type            Description
    ------      ----            -----------
    MCIAVI      avivideo
    MCICDA      cdaudio         CD audio
                dat             Digital-audio tape player
                digitalvideo    Digital video in a window (not GDI-based)
                MPEGVideo       General-purpose media player
                other           Undefined MCI device
                overlay         Overlay device (analog video in a window)
                scanner         Image scanner
    MCISEQ      sequencer       MIDI sequencer
                vcr             Video-cassette recorder or player
    MCIPIONR    videodisc       Videodisc (Pioneer LaserDisc)
    MCIWAVE     waveaudio       Audio device that plays digitized waveform files

MCI Installation:

    To see a list of MCI devices that have been registered for the computer, go
    to the following registry locations...

    (start code)
    Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/etc.:

        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI

        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI32

    Windows 95/98/ME:


    To see a list of registered file extensions and the MCI device that has been
    assigned to each extension, go the following locations...

        (start code)
        For Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/etc., this information is stored in
        the following registry location:

            HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI Extensions

        For Windows 95/98/ME, this information is stored in the %windir%\win.ini
        file in the "MCI Extensions" section.


    *OutputDebug* statements in the core of some of the functions that only
    execute on condition are permanent and are provided to help the developer
    find and eliminate errors.

Group: Links

    MCI Reference Guide
    - <>

Group: Credit

    The MCI library is an offshoot of the Sound_* and Media_* libraries provided
    by *Fincs*.

     -  <>
     -  <>

    Credit and thanks to *Fincs* for creating and enhancing  these libraries
    which are a conversion from the AutoIt "Sound.au3" standard library
    and to *RazerM* for providing the original "Sound.au3" library.

    Notify idea and code from *Sean*
        - <>

    mciGetErrorString call from *PhiLho*
        - <>

Group: Functions

; Function: MCI_Close
; Description:
;   Closes the device and any associated resources.
; Parameters:
;   p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
; Returns:
;   The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the command
;   completed successfully.
; Remarks:
;   For most MCI devices, closing a device usually stops playback but not
;   always.  If unsure of the device, consider stopping the device before
;   closing it.
    Static MM_MCINOTIFY:=0x03B9

    ;-- Close device
    l_Return:=MCI_SendString("close " . p_lpszDeviceID . " wait")

    ;-- Turn off monitoring of MM_MCINOTIFY message?
    if OnMessage(MM_MCINOTIFY)="MCI_Notify"
        ;-- Don't proceed unless all MCI devices are closed
        MCI_SendString("sysinfo all quantity open",l_OpenMCIDevices)
        if l_OpenMCIDevices=0
            ;-- Disable monitoring

    Return l_Return

;   Function: MCI_CurrentTrack
;   Description:
;       Identifies the current track.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;   Returns:
;       The current track. Note: The MCISEQ sequencer returns 1.
    l_CmdString:="status " . p_lpszDeviceID . " current track"
    Return l_lpszReturnString

;   Function: MCI_DeviceType
;   Description:
;       Identifies the device type name.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;   Returns:
;       A device type name, which can be one of the following...
;           (start code)
;           cdaudio
;           dat
;           digitalvideo
;           other
;           overlay
;           scanner
;           sequencer
;           vcr
;           videodisc
;           waveaudio
;           (end)
    l_CmdString=capability %p_lpszDeviceID% device type
    Return l_lpszReturnString

; Function: MCI_Open
; Description:
;   Opens an MCI device and loads the specified file.
; Parameters:
;   p_MediaFile - A multimedia file.
;   p_Alias - Alias. A name such as media1. [Optional] If blank (the default),
;       an alias will automatically be generated.
;   p_Flags - Flags that determine how the device is opened. [Optional]
;   Flag Notes:
;   Some commonly used flags include...
;       (start code)
;       type {device_type}
;       sharable
;       (end)
;   If more than one flag is used, separate each flag/value with a space.
;   For example:
;       (start code)
;       type MPEGVideo sharable
;       (end)
;   Additional notes...
;     - The "wait" flag is automatically added to the end of the command string.
;       This flag directs the device to complete the "open" request before
;       returning.
;     - Use the "shareable" flag with care.  Per msdn, the "shareable" flag
;       "initializes the device or file as shareable. Subsequent attempts to
;       open the device or file fail unless you specify "shareable" in both the
;       original and subsequent open commands.  MCI returns an invalid device
;       error if the device is already open and not shareable.  The MCISEQ
;       sequencer and MCIWAVE devices do not support shared files."
;     - By default, the MCI device that is opened is determined by the file's
;       extension.  The "type" flag can be used to  1) override the default
;       device that is registered for the file extension or to  2) open a media
;       file with a file extension that is not registered as a MCI file
;       extension.  See the <Notes> section for more information.
;     - For a complete list of flags and descriptions for the "open" command
;       string, see the "MCI Reference Guide" in the <Links> section.
;   Returns:
;       The multimedia handle (alias) or 0 (FALSE) to indicate failure.  Failure
;       will occur with any of the following conditions:
;        -  The media file does not exist.
;        -  The media file's extension is not a regisitered MCI extension.
;           Note: This test is only performed if the "type" flag is not
;           specified.
;        -  Non-zero return code from the <MCI_SendString> function.
;   Remarks:
;     - Use the <MCI_OpenCDAudio> function to open a CDAudio device.
;     - After the device has been successfully opened, the time format is set to
;       milliseconds which it will remain in effect until it is manually set to
;       another value or until the device is closed.
    Static s_Seq=0

    ;[  Parameters  ]
    ;-- p_MediaFile
    if p_MediaFile<>new
        ;-- Media file exist?
        IfNotExist %p_MediaFile%
                (ltrim join`s
                End Func: %A_ThisFunc%: The media file can't be
                 found.  Return=0

            Return False

        ;-- "Type" flag not defined?
        if InStr(A_Space . p_Flags . A_Space," type ")=0
            ;-- Registered file extension?
            SplitPath p_MediaFile,,,l_Extension

             ;-- Which OS type?
            if A_OSType=WIN32_NT  ;-- Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/etc.
                    ,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI Extensions
                ;-- Windows 95/98/ME
                    ,MCI Extensions

                if l_Value=ERROR

            ;-- Not found?
            if ErrorLevel
                    (ltrim join`s
                    End Func: %A_ThisFunc%: The file extension for this media
                     file is not registered as a valid MCI extension.  Return=0

                Return False

        ;-- Enclose in DQ

    ;-- Alias
    if p_Alias is Space

    ;[  Open device  ]
    l_CmdString=open %p_MediaFile% alias %p_Alias% %p_Flags% wait
    if l_Return

    ;-- Set time format to milliseconds
    if l_Return
        l_CmdString=set %p_Alias% time format milliseconds wait

    ;-- Return to sender
    Return l_Return

;   Function: MCI_OpenCDAudio
;   Description:
;       Opens a CDAudio device.
;   Parameters:
;       p_Drive - CDROM drive letter. [Optional] If blank (the default), the
;           first CDROM drive found is used.
;       p_Alias - Alias.  A name such as media1. [Optional] If blank (the
;           default), an alias will automatically be generated.
;       p_CheckForMedia - Check for media. [Optional] The default is TRUE.
;   Returns:
;       The multimedia handle (alias) or 0 to indicate failure.  Failure will
;       occur with any of the following conditions:
;        -  The computer does not have a CDROM drive.
;        -  The specified drive is not CDROM drive.
;        -  Non-zero return code from the <MCI_SendString> function.
;       If p_CheckForMedia is TRUE (the default), failure will also occur with
;       any of the following conditions:
;        -  No media was found in the device.
;        -  Media does not contain audio tracks.
;   Remarks:
;       After the device has been successfully opened, the time format is set to
;       milliseconds which will remain in effect until it is manually set to
;       another value or until the device is closed.
    Static s_Seq=0

    ;-- Parameters
    p_Drive=%p_Drive%  ;-- Autotrim
    if p_Drive is not Alpha

    ;-- Drive not specified
    if p_Drive is Space
        ;-- Collect list of CDROM drives
        DriveGet l_ListOfCDROMDrives,List,CDROM
         if l_ListOfCDROMDrives is Space
                (ltrim join`s
                End Func: %A_ThisFunc%: This PC does not have functioning CDROM
                 drive.  Return=0

            Return False

        ;-- Assign the first CDROM drive

    ;-- Is this a CDROM drive?
    DriveGet l_DriveType,Type,%p_Drive%:
     if l_DriveType<>CDROM
            (ltrim join`s
            End Func: %A_ThisFunc%: The specified drive (%p_Drive%:) is not
             a CDROM drive.  Return=0

        Return False

    ;-- Alias
    if p_Alias is Space

    ;-- Open device
    l_CmdString=open %p_Drive%: alias %p_Alias% type cdaudio shareable wait
    if l_Return

    ;-- Device is open
    if l_Return
        ;-- Set time format to milliseconds
        l_CmdString=set %p_Alias% time format milliseconds wait

        ;-- Check for media?
        if p_CheckForMedia
            if not MCI_MediaIsPresent(p_Alias)
                    (ltrim join`s
                    End Func: %A_ThisFunc%: Media is not present in the
                     specified drive (%p_Drive%:).  Return=0

                Return False

            ;-- 1st track an audio track?
            if not MCI_TrackIsAudio(p_Alias,1)
                    (ltrim join`s
                    End Func: %A_ThisFunc%: Media in drive %p_Drive%: does not
                     contain CD Audio tracks.  Return=0

                Return False

    Return l_Return

;   Function: MCI_Length
;   Description:
;       Gets the total length of the media in the current time format.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Track - Track number. [Optional] The default is 0 (no track number).
;   Returns:
;       If a track number is not specified (the default), the length of the
;       entire media is returned.  If a track number is specified, only the
;       the length of the specified track is returned.
    ;-- Build command string
    l_CmdString:="status " . p_lpszDeviceID . " length"
    if p_Track
        l_CmdString:=l_CmdString . " track " . p_Track

    ;-- Send it!
    Return l_lpszReturnString

;   Function: MCI_MediaIsPresent
;   Description:
;       Checks to see if media is present in the device.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;   Returns:
;       TRUE if the media is inserted in the device, otherwise FALSE.
;       msdn: Sequencer, video-overlay, digital-video, and waveform-audio
;       devices (always) return TRUE.
    l_CmdString=status %p_lpszDeviceID% media present

    if l_RC  ;-- Probably invalid command for the device
        Return False
         Return (l_lpszReturnString="true") ? True:False

;   Function: MCI_Notify
;   Description:
;       (Internal function.  Do not call directly)
;       This function has 2 responsibilties...
;        1) If called by the <MCI_Play> function, wParam contains the name of
;           the developer-defined function.  This value is assigned to the
;           s_Callback static variable for future use.
;        2) When called as a result of MM_MCINOTIFY message, this function will
;           call the developer-defined function (name stored in the s_Callback
;           static variable) sending the MM_MCINOTIFY status flag as the first
;           parameter.
;   Parameters:
;       wParam - Function name or a MM_MCINOTIFY flag.
;       MM_MCINOTIFY flag values are as follows...
;           (start code)
;           MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL:=0x1
;               The conditions initiating the callback function have been met.
;           MCI_NOTIFY_SUPERSEDED:=0x2
;               The device received another command with the "notify" flag set
;               and the current conditions for initiating the callback function
;               have been superseded.
;           MCI_NOTIFY_ABORTED:=0x4
;               The device received a command that prevented the current
;               conditions for initiating the callback function from being met.
;               If a new command interrupts the current command and  it also
;               requests notification, the device sends this message only and
;               not MCI_NOTIFY_SUPERSEDED.
;           MCI_NOTIFY_FAILURE:=0x8
;               A device error occurred while the device was executing the
;               command.
;           (end)
;       lParam - lDevID.  This is the identifier of the device initiating the
;           callback function.  This information is only useful if operating
;           more than one MCI device at a time.
;   Returns:
;       Per msdn, returns 0 to indicate a successful call.
;   Remarks:
;       This function does not complete until the call to the developer-defined
;       function has completed.  If a MM_MCINOTIFY message is issued while this
;       function is running, the message will be treated as unmonitored.
;;;;;    Critical
        ;-- This will cause MM_MCINOTIFY messages to be buffered rather than
        ;   discared if this function is still running when another MM_MCINOTIFY
        ;   message is sent.

    Static s_Callback

    ;-- Internal call?
    if lParam is Space

    ;-- Call developer function
    if IsFunc(s_Callback)

    Return 0

;   Function: MCI_NumberOfTracks
;   Description:
;       Identifies the number of tracks on the media.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;   Returns:
;       The number of tracks on the media.
;   Remarks:
;       msdn: The MCISEQ and MCIWAVE devices return 1, as do most VCR devices.
;       The MCIPIONR device does not support this flag.
    l_CmdString:="status " . p_lpszDeviceID . " number of tracks"
    Return l_lpszReturnString

;   Function: MCI_Pause
;   Description:
;       Pauses playback or recording.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.
;   Remarks:
;       msdn: With the MCICDA, MCISEQ, and MCIPIONR drivers, the pause command
;       works the same as the stop command.
;       Observation: For MCISEQ devices, pause works OK for me.
    Return MCI_SendString("pause " . p_lpszDeviceID . " wait")

;   Function: MCI_Play
;   Description:
;       Starts playing a device.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Flags - Flags that determine how the device is played. [Optional]
;           If blank, no flags are used.
;       Flag Notes:
;           Some commonly used flags include...
;               (start code)
;               from {position}
;               to {position}
;               (end)
;           If more than one flag is used, separate each flag/value with a
;           space.  For example:
;               (start code)
;               from 10144 to 95455
;               (end)
;           Additional notes...
;            -  With the exception of very short sound files (<300 ms), the
;               "wait" flag is not recommended.  The entire application will be
;               non-responsive while the media is being played.
;            -  Do not add the "notify" flag unless you plan to have your
;               script trap the MM_MCINOTIFY message outside of this function.
;               The "notify" flag is automatically added if the p_Callback
;               parameter contains a value.
;            -  For a complete list of flags and descriptions for the "play"
;               command string, see the "MCI Reference Guide" in the <Links>
;               section.
;       p_Callback - Function name that is called when the MM_MCINOTIFY message
;           is sent. [Optional] If defined, the "notify" flag is automatically
;           added.
;           Important:  The syntax of this parameter and the associated function
;           is critical.  If not defined correctly, the script may crash.
;           The function must have at least one parameter.  For example...
;               (start code)
;               MyNotifyFunction(NotifyFlag)
;               (end)
;           Additional parameters are allowed but they must be optional (contain
;           a default value).  For example:
;               (start code)
;               MyNotifyFunction(NotifyFlag,FirstCall=False,Parm3="ABC")
;               (end)
;           When a notify message is sent, the approriate MM_MCINOTIFY flag is
;           sent to the developer-defined function as the first parameter.  See
;           the <MCI_Notify> function for a description and a list of
;           MM_MCINOTIFY flag values.
;       p_hWndCallback - Handle to a callback window if the p_Callback
;           parameter contains a value and/or if the "notify" flag is defined.
;           [Optional]  If undefined but needed, the handle to default
;           Autohotkey window is used.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.
    Static MM_MCINOTIFY:=0x03B9

    ;-- Build command string
    l_CmdString:="play " . p_lpszDeviceID
    if p_Flags
        l_CmdString:=l_CmdString . A_Space . p_Flags

    ;-- Notify
    p_Callback=%p_Callback%  ;-- AutoTrim
    if StrLen(p_Callback)
        l_CmdString:=l_CmdString . " notify"

        ;-- Attach p_Callback to MCI_Notify function

        ;-- Monitor for MM_MCINOTIFY message
            ;-- Note:  If the MM_MCINOTIFY message was monitored elsewhere,
            ;   this statement will override it.

    ;-- Callback handle
    if not p_hwndCallback
        if InStr(A_Space . l_CmdString . A_Space," notify ")
        or StrLen(p_Callback)
            DetectHiddenWindows On
             Process Exist
            p_hwndCallback:=WinExist("ahk_pid " . ErrorLevel . " ahk_class AutoHotkey")
            DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%

    ;-- Send it!
    Return MCI_SendString(l_CmdString,Dummy,p_hwndCallback)

;   Function: MCI_Position
;   Description:
;       Identifies the current playback or recording position.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Track - Track number. [Optional] The default is 0 (no track number).
;   Returns:
;       The current playback or recording position in the current time format.
;       If the p_Track parameter contains a non-zero value, the start position
;       of the track relative to entire media is returned.
    l_CmdString:="status " . p_lpszDeviceID . " position"
    if p_Track
        l_CmdString:=l_CmdString . " track " . p_Track

    Return l_lpszReturnString

;   Function: MCI_Record
;   Description:
;       Starts recording.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Flags - Flags that determine how the device operates for
;           recording. [Optional] If blank, no flags are used.
;       Flag Notes:
;           Some commonly used flags include...
;               (start code)
;               from {position}
;               to {position}
;               insert
;               overwrite
;               (end)
;           If more than one flag is used, separate each flag/value with a
;           space.  For example:
;               (start code)
;               overwrite from 18122 to 26427
;               (end)
;           Additional notes...
;            -  The "wait" flag is not recommended.  The entire application will
;               be non-responsive until recording is stopped with a Stop or
;               Pause command.
;            -  For a complete list of flags and descriptions for the "record"
;               command string, see the "MCI Reference Guide" in the <Links>
;               section.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.
;   Remarks:
;       msdn: Recording stops when a Stop or Pause command is issued.  For the
;       MCIWAVE driver, all data recorded after a file is opened is discarded if
;       the file is closed without saving it.
;   Credit:
;       Original function and examples by heresy.
    l_CmdString=record %p_lpszDeviceID% %p_Flags%
    Return MCI_SendString(l_CmdString)

;   Function: MCI_Resume
;   Description:
;       Resumes playback or recording after the device has been paused.  See the
;       <MCI_Pause> function for more information.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.
;   Remarks:
;       msdn: Digital-video, VCR, and waveform-audio devices recognize this
;       command. Although CD audio, MIDI sequencer, and videodisc devices
;       also recognize this command, the MCICDA, MCISEQ, and MCIPIONR device
;       drivers do not support it.
;   Programming Notes:
;       The <MCI_Play> function can sometimes be an alternative to this
;       function.  Many devices will begin to play where they were last paused.
;       If the device does not begin playback correctly, try specifying an
;       appropriate "From" and "To" value (if needed) in the p_Flags parameter.
    Return MCI_SendString("resume " . p_lpszDeviceID . " wait")

;   Function: MCI_Save
;   Description:
;       Saves an MCI file.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_FileName - File name to store a MCI file.  If the file does not exist,
;           a new file will be created.  If the file exists, it will be
;           overwritten.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.
;   Remarks:
;       This command can overwrite existing files.  Use with care.
;   Credit:
;       Original function and examples by heresy.
    l_CmdString=save %p_lpszDeviceID% "%p_FileName%"
    Return MCI_SendString(l_CmdString)

;   Function: MCI_Seek
;   Description:
;       Move to a specified position.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Position - Position to stop the seek.  Value must be "start", "end",
;           or an integer.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.

Usage and Programming notes:

MCI Bug?: For some reason, seek for cdaudio doesn't work correctly on the
first attempt.  Second and susequent attempts work fine.


    ;-- Get current status

    ;-- Adjust p_Position if necessary
    if p_Position not in start,end
        if p_Position is not Number

        p_Position:=Round(p_Position)  ;-- Integer values only

        if (p_Position>MCI_Length(p_lpszDeviceID))
             if p_Position<1
                    ;-- This is necessary because some devices don't like a "0"
                    ;   position.

    ;-- Seek
    l_CmdString=seek %p_lpszDeviceID% to %p_Position% wait

    ;-- Return to mode before seek
    if l_Status in paused,playing

        ;-- Re-pause
        if l_Status=paused

;;;;;    l_CurrentPos:=MCI_Position(p_lpszDeviceID)
;;;;;    outputdebug After: l_CurrentPos=%l_CurrentPos%

    Return l_Return

;   Function: MCI_SetBass
;   Description:
;       Sets the audio low frequency level.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Factor - Bass factor.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.
;   Observations:
;     - Factor range appears to be from 0 to ?????.
;     - Most MCI devices do not support this command.
    l_CmdString:="setaudio " . p_lpszDeviceID . " bass to " . p_Factor
    Return MCI_SendString(l_CmdString)

;   Function: MCI_SetTreble
;   Description:
;       Sets the audio high-frequency level.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Factor - Treble factor.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.
;   Observations:
;     - Factor range appears to be from 0 to ?????.
;     - Most MCI devices do not support this command.
    l_CmdString:="setaudio " . p_lpszDeviceID . " treble to " . p_Factor
    Return MCI_SendString(l_CmdString)

;   Function: MCI_SetVolume
;   Description:
;       Sets the average audio volume for both audio channels. If the left and
;       right volumes have been set to different values, then the ratio of
;       left-to-right volume is approximately unchanged.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Factor - Volume factor.
;   Returns:
;       The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the
;       command completed successfully.
;   Observations:
;     - Factor range appears to be from 0 to 1000.
;     - Most MCI devices do not support this command.
    l_CmdString:="setaudio " . p_lpszDeviceID . " volume to " . p_Factor
    Return MCI_SendString(l_CmdString)

;   Function: MCI_Status
;   Description:
;       Identifies the current mode of the device.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;   Returns:
;       The current mode of the device.
;       msdn: All devices can return the "not ready", "paused", "playing", and
;       "stopped" values. Some devices can return the additional "open",
;       "parked", "recording", and "seeking" values.
    MCI_SendString("status " . p_lpszDeviceID . " mode",l_lpszReturnString)
    Return l_lpszReturnString

; Function: MCI_Stop
; Description:
;   Stops playback or recording.
; Parameters:
;   p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
; Returns:
;   The return code from the <MCI_SendString> function which is 0 if the command
;   completed successfully.
; Remarks:
; - After close, a "seek to start" is not done because  1) it slows down the
;   stop request and  2) it may be unwanted.  If you need to set the media
;   position back to the beginning after a stop, call the <MCI_Seek> function
;   and set the p_Position parameter to 0.
; - For (some) CD audio devices, the stop command stops playback and resets the
;   current track position to zero.
    Return MCI_SendString("stop " . p_lpszDeviceID . " wait")

;   Function: MCI_TrackIsAudio
;   Description:
;       Determines if the specified track is an audio track.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszDeviceID - Device name or alias.
;       p_Track - Track number. [Optional] The default is 1.
;   Returns:
;       TRUE if the specified track is an audio track, otherwise FALSE.
;   Remarks:
;       This command will only work on a device that supports multiple tracks.
    if p_Track is not Integer

    l_CmdString=status %p_lpszDeviceID% type track %p_Track%

    if l_RC  ;-- Probably invalid command for the device
        Return False
         Return (l_lpszReturnString="audio") ? True:False

;   Function: MCI_ToHHMMSS
;   Description:
;       Converts the specified number of milliseconds to hh:mm:ss format.
;   Parameters:
;       p_ms - Number of milliseconds.
;       p_MinimumSize - Minimum size.  [Optional] The default is 4.  This is
;           the minimum size in characters (not significant digits) that is
;           returned.  Unless you want a ":" character to show as the
;           leading character, don't set this value to 3 or 6.
;   Returns:
;       The amount of time in hh:mm:ss format with leading zero and ":"
;       characters suppressed unless the length is less than p_MinimumSize.
;       Note:  If the number of hours is greater than 99, the size of hour
;       ("hh") will increase as needed.
;   Usage Notes:
;       To use this function to create separate variables for the number of
;       hours, minutes, and seconds, set the p_MinimumSize parameter to 8 and
;       use simple *SubStr* commands to create these variables.  For example:
;           (start code)
;           x:=MCI_ToHHMMSS(NumberOfMilliseconds,8)
;           HH:=SubStr(x,1,2)
;           MM:=SubStr(x,4,2)
;           SS:=SubStr(x,6,2)
;           (end)
;       To remove leading zeros from these variables, simply add 0 to the
;       extracted value.  For example:
;           (start code)
;           MM:=SubStr(x,4,2)+0
;           (end)
;   Credit:
;       This function is a customized version of an example that was extracted
;       from the AutoHotkey documenation.
    ;-- Convert p_ms to whole seconds
    if p_ms is not Number
         if p_ms<0

    ;-- Initialize and format
    l_Time=20121212  ;-- Midnight of an arbitrary date
    EnvAdd l_Time,l_Seconds,Seconds
     FormatTime l_mmss,%l_Time%,mm:ss
    l_FormattedTime:="0" . l_Seconds//3600 . ":" . l_mmss
        ;-- Allows support for more than 24 hours.

    ;-- Trim insignificant leading characters
         if StrLen(l_FormattedTime)<=p_MinimumSize
            if SubStr(l_FormattedTime,1,1)="0"
                StringTrimLeft l_FormattedTime,l_FormattedTime,1
                if SubStr(l_FormattedTime,1,1)=":"
                    StringTrimLeft l_FormattedTime,l_FormattedTime,1

    ;-- Return to sender
     Return l_FormattedTime

; Function: MCI_ToMilliseconds
; Description:
;   Converts the specified hour, minute and second into a valid milliseconds
;   timestamp.
; Parameters:
;   Hour, Min, Sec - Position to convert to milliseconds
; Returns:
;   The specified position converted to milliseconds.
    milli += (Min*60)*1000
    milli += (Hour*3600)*1000
    Return milli

;   Function: MCI_SendString
;   Description:
;       This is the primary function that controls MCI operations.  With the
;       exception of formatting functions, all of the functions in this library
;       call this function.
;   Parameters:
;       p_lpszCommand - MCI command string.
;       r_lpszReturnString - Variable name that receives return information.
;           [Optional]
;       p_hwndCallback - Handle to a callback window if the "notify" flag was
;           specified in the command string.  [Optional] The default is 0
;           (No callback window).
;   Returns:
;       Two values are returned.
;        1) The function returns 0 if successful or an error number
;           otherwise.
;        2) If the MCI command string was a request for information, the
;           variable named in the r_lpszReturnString parameter will contain the
;           requested information.
;   Debugging:
;       If a non-zero value is returned from the call to the mciSendString API
;       function, a call to the mciGetErrorString API function is made to
;       convert the error number into a developer-friendly error message.  All
;       of this information is sent to the debugger in an easy-to-read format.
MCI_SendString(p_lpszCommand,ByRef r_lpszReturnString="",p_hwndCallback=0)
                     ,"Str",p_lpszCommand                   ;-- lpszCommand
                     ,"Str",r_lpszReturnString              ;-- lpszReturnString
                     ,"UInt",100                            ;-- cchReturn
                     ,"UInt",p_hwndCallback                 ;-- hwndCallback
                     ,"Cdecl Int")                          ;-- Return type

    if ErrorLevel
             ,262160  ;-- 262160=0 (OK button) + 16 (Error icon) + 262144 (AOT)
            ,%A_ThisFunc% Function Error,
               (ltrim join`s
                Unexpected ErrorLevel from DllCall to the
                function.  ErrorLevel=%ErrorLevel%  %A_Space%
                `nSee the AutoHotkey documentation (Keyword: DLLCall) for more
                information.  %A_Space%

    ;-- Return code?
    if l_Return
               ,"UInt",l_Return                             ;-- MCI error number
               ,"Str",l_MCIErrorString                      ;-- MCI error text

        ;-- This is provided to help debug MCI calls
            (ltrim join`s
            End Func: %A_ThisFunc%: Unexpected return code from command string:
            `n--------- Return code=%l_Return% - %l_MCIErrorString%

    Return l_Return