; #Include WinServ.ahk

SendMode Input

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

;Start the Task Scheduler service by using its Service Name
MsgBox % WinServ("Schedule", True) ;Returns True if started successfully.

; More Examples:
;Start the Task Scheduler service by using its Service Name
WinServ("Schedule", True) ;Returns True if started successfully.

;Stop the Task Scheduler service by using its Display Name
WinServ("Task Scheduler", False) ;Returns True if stopped successfully.

;Start the Windows Time service silently
WinServ("Windows time", True, True) ;No popups

;Start the Task Scheduler service on remote computer name ZOMBIE
WinServ("Schedule", True, False, "ZOMBIE") ;Returns True if started successfully.

;Check if the WebClient service is running
If WinServ("WebClient")
{   MsgBox, WebClient is up & running
   ;Do Something

;Toggle the DNS Client service
WinServ("DNS Client", WinServ("DNS Client") ? False : True)