; #Include pgArray.ahk #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Note that there are some more examples at the bottom of the code above #SingleInstance, Force GoSub SetVars ;inserting to a specific index: pgArray_Insert("Array", 3, "Inserted starting @ 3", "another string"), Display("Inserting:") ;removing an element: pgArray_Shift("Array", 3), Display("Removing #3:") ;shifting 5 to 2 pgArray_Rotate( "Array", 5, 2), Display("Rotated 5 to 2:") ;popping the last element: pgArray_Shift( "Array", -1 ), Display("popped the last element:") ;inserting several elements at the end: pgArray_Insert("Array", 0, "Added to end", "added more"), Display("added to end") return SetVars: Array0=7 Array1=one Array2=two Array3=three Array4=four Array5=five Array6=six Array7=seven Return Display(x) { ;demonstration script specific - Infogulch local Info Info := x "`n" Loop % Array0 Info .= A_Index ":`t" Array%A_Index% "`n" MsgBox % Info GoSub SetVars ;reset the vars for the next function }