; #Include mg.ahk

SendMode Input

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

MsgBox Hold right mouse button and make movements up to four different directions and release that button. If a gesture was recognized, it should show it code.`n`nThe middle mouse button calls predefined functions.

; Example 1: store gesture in variable and show it in MsgBox if it isn't blank or zero.

Gesture := MG_Recognize()
if Gesture
MsgBox,,, %Gesture%, 1


; Example 2: execute existing MG function


MG_R()   {
MsgBox,,, %A_ThisFunc%, 1


MG_RD()   {
MsgBox,,, %A_ThisFunc%, 1


MG_RDL()   {
MsgBox,,, %A_ThisFunc%, 1
