; #Include Dock.ahk SetBatchLines, -1 #SingleInstance, force Msgbox This test will monitor Notepad appearance and add customizable number of dock clients to its left side. host := "ahk_class Notepad" clientNo := 5 loop, %clientNo% { Gui %A_Index%:+LastFound +ToolWindow +Border +Resize -Caption Gui,%A_Index%:Add, Button, 0x8000, %A_Index% c%A_Index% := WinExist() Dock("+" c%A_Index%, "0,-1,-10, 0,0," A_Index*50 ",0,50,0,50") } Dock_OnHostDeath := "OnHostDeath" return FindHost: if Dock_HostID := WinExist(host) { SetTimer, FindHost, OFF loop, %clientNo% DllCall("ShowWindow", "uint", c%A_Index%, "uint", 5) Dock_Toggle(true) } return OnHostDeath: SetTimer, FindHost, 100 return