; #Include Anchor.ahk #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Gui, +Resize +MinSize Gui, Add, Edit, vMyEdit w400 h150, Resize this window Gui, Add, Button, vMyButton x300 y160 Default gWin2, Open Window 2 Gui, Add, GroupBox, vMyGroup Section xm h10 w250, Relative positions are also supported ... Gui, Add, ComboBox, vMyCombo Section xs+50 ys+25, Item 1|Item 2||Item 3 Gui, Add, Text, vMyText ys, Select GuiControl, Focus, MyButton Gui, Show, , Anchor Example Gui, 2:Default Gui, +Resize +MinSize +ToolWindow Gui, Add, Text, , More sizing... Gui, Add, ListBox, vLB Section xm r8, Item 1|Item 2||Item 3 Gui, Add, Edit, vEdit ys r8 Gui, Add, Button, vCloseButton w50 gGuiClose, Close Gui, 1:Default Return F10:: ; reset control position GuiControl, Move, MyEdit, w100 h100 ; move control to a size relative to current Gui dimensions ; since this script uses multiple GUIs it's necessary to indicate which one Anchor should use by prefixing the name as done here: Anchor("1:MyEdit") ; reset by passing only the first parameter Return Win2: Gui, 2:Show, , Window Return GuiSize: Anchor("MyEdit", "wh") Anchor("MyButton", "xy") Anchor("MyGroup", "yw", true) Anchor("MyCombo", "y") Anchor("MyText", "y") Return 2GuiSize: Anchor("LB", "w0.5 h") Anchor("Edit", "x0.5 w0.5 h") Anchor("CloseButton", "x0.75 y") Return ~*Esc:: GuiClose: ExitApp