; #Include Win.ahk ; #Include Align.ahk #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% Gui, Add, Text, HwndH1, hello Gui, Add, Text, HwndH2 x+8, majkinetor Gui, Add, Text, HwndH3 x+8, thx MsgBox Proceed further to see what happens if aligned with Align. Gui, Show, h100 w200 Gui, +LastFound hGui := WinExist("A") Sleep, 1500 Align(h1, "L", 100) ;Align this control to the left edge of its parent, set width to 100, Align(h2, "T") ; then align this control to the top minus space taken from previous control, use its own height, Align(h3, "F") ; then set this control to fill remaining space. Align(hGui) ;Re-align hGui Return GuiClose: ExitApp